A Journey in The Making

Chalon and I met in church in 1988.  

We dated for eight years which as portion of those years were long distance as I was away at school.  We married in September 1997 after having one marriage counseling session.  We had great friends around us that would always speak great things about being married.  

I was a minister and Chalon after being married left her home church to follow me to the church where I was on staff.  We had our first son in 1999 which was followed by two miscarriages and then our second son was born in May 2005.  

We had to learn very early on that we were each other’s rock and that we had to embrace the fact that we were each other’s it.  We learned how to trust each other and respect each other.  This girl has had my back since day one.  I was selfish, arrogant, and had an attitude.  I would not speak to her for days and would not respond to pager messages.  I was a trip!!!  Twenty-three years later, we are partners in marriage and in ministry.  We raise our children and we support each other’s vision.  

There is a whole lot that I am leaving out… on purpose.  It will all be revealed in the sessions.  Just know this: we had work to do and we did and are doing the work and God is painting a masterpiece with our lives.

Chalon & Derren Thompson
Your Proud Coaches